
вторник, 29 октября 2019 г.

Star of the Apocalypse.

                                                    Simonov V.A.
The star of the Apocalypse

Digital book. Star of the Apocalypse.

ISBN 978-5-277-03202-7

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                                Table of contents

1. A cosmic cataclysm.    ……………………………………………………  3
2. The origin of Venus      …………………………………………………...   78
3. A disaster on Mars..……………………………………………………….   89
4. Cataclysms on Earth.   ……………………………………………………   93
5. Venus and the Flood    …………………………………………………… 165
6. Mars is approaching Earth ………………………………………………   205
7. Moon ……………………………………………………………………    213
8. Mercury   …………………………………………………………………. 231
9. Physical aspects of the cataclysm   ………………………………………   239
9. Hyperborea   ……………………………………………………………… 242
10. Pacifida   ………………………………………………………………… 248
11. Lemuria  …………………………………………………………………. 255
12. Cataclysmic traces ………………………………………………………  259
13. The dates of the cataclysms …………………………………………….   267
14. The prophecies of a black star …………………………………………    270
15. Literature ………………………………………………………………… 280


In the distant past, a terrible cosmic catastrophe occurred in the solar system due to the passage of a massive object near its planets. The mysterious celestial body moving along the elongated and inclined to the ecliptic plane orbit periodically causes terrible destructions on our planet that is confirmed by a huge quantity of historical documents, geological data and archaeological facts. During these nightmares, almost all of the world's population is dying.
The existence of unknown celestial bodies behind Pluto's orbit is indicated by numerous reports of astronomers. In 1982, in the June issues of the Newsweek and the New York Times, there were articles by scientists (a group of John Anderson) from the Jet Movement Laboratory and NASA. Studying the perturbations of the orbits of Neptune and Uranus, as well as the displacement of the automatic stations "Pioneer" from its trajectory, scientists have concluded that in the solar system should be some massive object like Uranus, located 4-7 billion kilometers behind the orbit of Pluto or "dark star" far from the Sun at 80 billion kilometers.
In 1983, the JRAS satellite transmitted to Earth about 250,000 infrared images of different parts of the starry sky. As a result of the study of photographs, dust disks and shells were found in solar stars, five comets that had not yet been discovered and some that had been "lost", as well as four new asteroids. In two shots of the same area of the sky, astronomers noticed a "mysterious comet-shaped object" in the constellation of Orion. James Houks of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Studies has made calculations and concluded that this mysterious object can not be a comet. In September 1984, the US News and World Report stated that attempts to decipher the origin of this celestial body (which emits energy in the invisible infrared range of electromagnetic waves and is located at a distance of 530 a.u. from us) have not led to anything. The director of the Palomar Observatory, D. Neugebauer, also a JRAS researcher, said: "I can only say one thing: we don't know what it is. In 1984, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's public relations department stated that if this facility was near the solar system, it could be the size of the planet Neptune, if far away, it could be a galaxy. Some astronomers have suggested that this is an undeveloped protostar.
On October 7, 1999, in a press release of the Royal Astronomical Society it was reported that D. Murray, who had studied the peculiarities of long-period comet orbits like the Hale-Boppe comet, came to the conclusion that there should be some massive object in the solar system, which by its gravitational field determines the observable parameters of comet orbits. Maybe it's a brown dwarf, which means a small star with a mass that's only an order of magnitude bigger than Jupiter's. Murray has calculated parameters of this hypothetical heavenly body which period of the reference should make 5,8 million years, the distance up to it is 32 000 A.U., and the inclination to a plane of ecliptic is 20 degrees. The same conclusion was reached by scientists from the group of J. Mathes (University of Louisiana, Lafayette), but the calculated distance to their yet undiscovered object is 25,000 a.u.
In 1972, Joseph Brady, an employee of the Livermore Laboratory, discovered that some planet by its gravity causes indignation of Halley's comet orbit. Calculations have shown that the mass of the unknown planet should be 80 earthly masses, and the distance of this object from the Sun - about 63 a.u.
In December 1981, Thomas Van Flanders' report appeared in Astronomy magazine, who and a group of scientists studying the telemetry of the flight path of the automatic stations "Pioneer-10", "Pioneer-11" and "Voyagerov", came to the conclusion that behind the orbit of Pluto at a distance of 8.4 billion kilometers from the Sun should exist a massive planet with an orbital period of more than 1000 years.
Now it is possible to assert with confidence (proceeding from the various facts), that in our Solar system there is a certain massive object which moves around of the Sun on strongly extended and inclined to an ecliptic plane orbit, with the period of 25920 years. He crosses our solar system twice during his address. Knowing the period of rotation of this celestial body, it is easy to calculate with the help of the third Kepler law the average distance from our luminary is 876 a.u. (astronomical units) and the average orbital speed is 1 km/s. This celestial body weighs more than Jupiter, but less than the sun. The inclination of the mysterious object's orbit to the ecliptic plane, based on the perturbations of Pluto and Neptune orbital motion, is 17-23 degrees. During its orbit, it has been within the solar system for approximately one hundred years. According to numerous information contained in ancient legends and legends, this massive body is accompanied by 11 satellites and an extensive gas and dust plume. The color of the object is black. When accretion (deposition of substance on its surface), and the release of kinetic energy, its color changes to red or dazzling white.
Most likely, it is the celestial body of the "extinct" neutron star, the substance of which burned out in the process of evolution of an ordinary star. Such unusual space objects are mainly composed of neutrons and are formed as a result of the gravitational collapse of stars with masses several times greater than the mass of the Sun. More massive stars form black holes. The formation of a neutron star is accompanied by a supernova outbreak, a colossal explosion that emits a huge amount of energy. The density of the neutron star is close to that of the atomic nucleus. It is kept from its final collapse by the "degeneracy pressure" of the neutron substance, which does not depend on temperature. The density of the neutron star is increasing with depth. According to astrophysicists' assumptions, under the atmospheric layer only a few centimeters thick, there is a liquid metal shell several meters thick, and below - a solid crust, the substance of which resembles an ordinary metal, but is much denser. In the outer part of the bark, it is mainly iron; with the depth of the bark, the proportion of neutrons increases. Where the density reaches the density of atomic nuclei, the proportion of neutrons increases so much that some of them no longer form part of the nuclei, but form a solid medium. There, the substance looks like a "sea" of neutrons and electrons, in which the nuclei of atoms are embedded - a continuous neutron "liquid" with an admixture of protons and electrons.


Fig. No. 1. The structure of a neutron star.

In our Galaxy, according to astronomers, there are about a billion neutron stars, which, with insignificant dimensions - 1-10 km and a mass of 0.01 - 2 solar masses, have a strong magnetic field (about 1011-1012 Gs.) and a huge speed of rotation around its axis. Astronomers have been able to find    only 700 neutron stars (pulsars) in our Galaxy so far, whose narrowly directed radio emission reaches the Earth directly. The rest, old and extinguished neutron stars are very difficult to detect because they emit almost no electromagnetic radiation in the optical range of the electromagnetic waves, and the "extinct" neutron stars have no radio emission. Finding a neutron star in outer space is difficult.
One of the nearest single neutron stars was photographed using the Hubble Space Telescope. This poorly lit object in the optical range of electromagnetic waves was initially detected in the X-ray range by the ROSAT satellite. Apparently, it is a relatively "young" star (younger than a million years), which is gradually cooled down by the emission of X-rays.
The neutron star was captured by the gravitational field of our luminaire relatively recently. According to various sources, this massive celestial body has already invaded the solar system four times, causing terrible disasters, destroying planets and their satellites. Presence of "extinct" neutron star in vicinities of the Sun is specified by precession of poles of the Earth with the same period as time of the reference of a star around of the Sun, namely 25920 years. As a result of precession, the rotation axis of our planet slowly changes its direction in space, describing the cone. The point of the vernal equinox is shifted continuously and the Sun rises along the belt of zodiac constellations. In each of them our daytime luminary is 2160 years old. In 72 years, the Earth's axis shifts by one degree - the so-called "zodiac day". As a result, the northern geographical pole of our planet at different times is directed to different constellations. About precession of an axis of the Earth, undoubtedly, knew ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Indians of South America. Officially, the opening of the precession belongs to the greatest astronomer of antiquity, Hipparkh. Making the first catalogue of stars, and defining coordinates of the flashed and again lost star (134 B.C.), he compared the supervision with the results received by Aristill and Timokharis for 150 years before his epoch. It turned out that the longitude of all stars in the sky increased, and the latitude remained unchanged. The hippard determined with astonishing insight that this shift was caused by the movement of the world's pole and assumed it to be 1° in 75 years. The ancient Greeks called the precession period Platonic year.
Usually precession of poles of our planet is explained by gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon on asymmetric arrangement of masses in a body of the Earth. But this influence can only explain the annual, daily nutation and nutation of the planet's poles with a period of 18.6 years, which arises due to the displacement of the Moon's orbit relative to our planet. As the neutron star has a magnetic field with huge intensity, it can influence the location of the north and south poles of the Earth in space, i.e. to orient them parallel to their magnetic field, which caused precession of the axis of rotation of our planet in the distant past. The gravitational influence of a neutron star on the Earth (over long distances) will be insignificant, because the gravity force decreases proportionally to the distance square, and the magnetic field strength depends only on the distance. The magnetic field of the star should cause precession of the axis of rotation and all other planets of the solar system with their own magnetic field. The rotation period will depend on the magnitude of the field strength of the planet itself and its mass. It has now been established that the poles of Mars also make precessional movement with a period of approximately 41 thousand years. Moving along the circular cone of Jupiter's pole, as well as Saturn. When a neutron star passes through the solar system, it shifted the rotation axes of the planets by its magnetic field, which still, thanks to a significant moment of inertia, continue to describe circles in outer space with their poles. The precession period depends on the distance at which the neutron star approached this or that planet.
The neutron star has visited our solar system many times. Many ancient peoples of our planet have legends about disasters and catastrophes, which occurred with a certain periodicity. This ancient knowledge was orally transmitted from generation to generation, and when the writing appeared it was recorded. Over time, this information in most legends, fairy tales and myths has undergone significant changes in retelling and correspondence, and has already differed significantly from the original source, but their main content and meaning have remained. Perhaps some biblical sources are made up of older texts.
Plato in the text of the dialogue "Timei" mentions the information received from the Egyptian priests of the goddess Nate in Saisa, who claimed that the terrible catastrophes that occurred in the distant past, were destroying almost all the population of our planet. He got this information from Dropid's great-grandson, Critia Jr. Dropid was a relative and friend of "the wisest of the seven wise men" Solon, who told him this amazing story. Solon, in his turn, heard it during his journey through Egypt from Egyptian priests, who gave him this information: "You are all young in the mind, - answered that (priest), - for your minds do not keep any tradition, which goes from generation to generation, and no teaching of the gray from time. The reason for that is this. There have been, and will continue to be, repeated and various deaths, the most terrible ones because of fire and water, while others are less significant because of the thousands of other disasters... Indeed, bodies that revolve on the sky around the Earth deviate from their paths and therefore at certain intervals everything on Earth dies of a great fire..., No matter what a glorious or great deed or even a wonderful event may have happened, whether in our land or in any other country we receive news of, all this has been imprinted in the records we keep in our temples since ancient times; But you and the other nations, as soon as you have time to write and the streams fall from the sky like a pestilence, leaving all of you illiterate and uneducated. And you start all over again, as if you were just born, not knowing anything about what happened in ancient times in our country or in your own country...".
Heraclitus (540-475 BC) claimed that the world burns in the flames of fires every 10800 years.
Phylon of Alexandria (1st century A.D.) wrote: "Because of the repeated destruction caused by water and fire, the later generations have not received from the previous memory of the order and sequence of events.
The legends of the ancient Etruscans contain legends about the "seven past centuries of the Earth". The same legends existed in the ancient Greeks. Similar legends exist among the peoples of the Bay of Bengal and Tibet. The Jewish religious concept, which emerged after the Exodus, claims that God created and destroyed heaven and earth seven times before creating the existing world, until he created something that satisfied Him. In the Pacific Islands, Hawaii and Polynesia, as well as Iceland, the Earth is considered to have survived the "nine times" and each time there was a "different sky" above it. The sacred Indian book "Bhagavat Puran" tells the story of "four periods of existence", each of which ended in cataclysms that almost completely destroyed humanity. Seven centuries and alternating catastrophes are mentioned in the Buddhist book "Visuddhi Magga" (chapter "World Cycles"), "Avesta", "Edda". It contains descriptions of catastrophes in the legends of the Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Mexican codes, Chinese chronicles, works of ancient Greeks, Slavs, that is, almost the majority of peoples inhabiting the Earth. Frequency with which the catastrophes repeat is approximately equal to 12 thousand years. According to most historical sources, we live in the age of the seventh sun (era). Each change of epochs is accompanied by global destructions: floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and fires at which almost all population of the Earth perishes.
Previous generations undoubtedly possessed extensive esoteric knowledge in the field of astronomy, which has been preserved from the dead highly developed civilizations or aliens from another planet. Schumer's astronomers were well aware of the structure of the solar system, calculated celestial ephemeris with high accuracy (and the ancient calculations were more detailed and accurate), and calculated the periods of lunar and solar eclipses. We still use twelve signs of the zodiac, divide the year into four seasons, twelve months, measure angles and time in Sumerian units of measurement. The constellations of the starry sky are named after Sumerian names, later translated into Hittite, Greek or Arabic.  Some ancient seals have images of the sun with 12 celestial bodies. The twelfth celestial body was the planet Nibiru.
Part of the esoteric knowledge of Sumerians was inherited by the astronomers of Babylon and Assyria. Historian Diodor of Sicily (1st century B.C.) wrote: "The Chaldeans gave names to the planets... in the center of their system was the Sun, the brightest luminary, whose "offspring" were the planets reflecting the radiance and position of the Sun. In the library of King Ashurbanipal numerous cuneiform tables were found, where lists of stars and planets, rules for calculating the position of the Moon, calculations of eclipses for 50 years in advance are given.
Amazing knowledge in astronomy possessed the New World Indians - Maya and Aztecs. For example, the ancient Aztec astronomical code of Laud has a drawing where an Indian looks at the telescope of Jupiter and its largest satellites - Ganymede, Callisto, Europe and Io. Several other codes of South American Indians depict scenes of space "battles" between anthropomorphic images of planets and the Great Snake, that is, the neutron star.

Fig. No. 2. Borgia Code. Ancient astronomer.

The Aztec astronomical code "Fejervary-Mayer" has an interesting illustration of the symbols of the planets of the solar system. In the lower left corner of the drawing is drawn Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the planet with the symbol of the head of an eagle, which has disappeared forever in the abysses of outer space in another cataclysm caused by the passage of a massive object near it. The famous astronomer and doctor Heinrich Olbers, who discovered Pallada and West, suggested that the place of the asteroid belt, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, once was a planet. The planet was destroyed by a terrible blow from the outside or by an internal explosion. This hypothetical planet, later named Phaeton, is named after the son of the sun god Helios. It is now replaced by an asteroid belt. The Sumerians called the dead planet Nibiru. That's what we're going to call the dead planet to avoid confusion.
In the center of the drawing there is an anthropomorphic image of Jupiter with the ten largest satellites. The deity of this huge planet has a naked bone sticking out instead of the left foot, and the severed hand is a symbol of sacrifice. In this way, the Aztecs tried to transmit information about the terrible catastrophe that occurred in the Jupiter system when a neutron star near the planet passed. This cataclysm will be discussed in more detail below.
The upper left corner of an ancient document shows the "house" of Jupiter, the symbols of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Fig. No. 3. Fejervary-Mayer code. The solar system and Jupiter's satellites.

The Magliabechiano code contains even more detailed information about the planets of the solar system. In the drawings in this document, the symbols of the planets are arranged in the following sequence: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, the planet Nibiru, the "home" of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the planetoid Sedna, which American astronomers discovered relatively recently. The number of circles with dots above the planet symbols indicates their sequence number. Further, it is possible to see a Koiper belt in the form of a pond with a splashing fluid. That was the Aztec symbol for fog, steam and water evaporation. At present, there is a hypothesis that the source of short-period comets may be the Koiper belt. Named after Gerard Koiper, who predicted in 1951, based on the theory of origin of planetary systems, the existence of an area outside Pluto's orbit with remnants of prototumanity from which the planets of the solar system were formed. However, the Irish theorist Kenneth Edgeworth had made such arguments even earlier, in 1943 and 1949. Under the circumstances, he's sometimes called a Coiper Edgeworth belt. Ice objects, similar in size to asteroids, occupy a circular area in the plane of ecliptic of the Solar System extending from the orbit of Neptune (30 AU from the Sun) to distances, perhaps in 100 - 150 AU. The first evidence of the existence of the Koiper belt was the discovery in 1992 of a weak object 1992 QB1, located in a quasi-circular orbit at a distance of about 50 AU from the Sun. Over the next few years, some 30 other objects moving in similar orbits were discovered.

Fig. No. 4. Magliabechiano Code. Symbols of the planets: 1. Mercury. 2. Venus. 3. Earth. 4 Mars.

Fig. No. 5. Magliabechiano Code. Symbols of the planets: 5. Nibiru. 6. Jupiter 7. Saturn. 8. Uranus.

Fig. No. 6. Magliabechiano Code. Symbols of the planets: 9. Neptune. 10. Pluto 11. Sedna. 12. Coiper's belt or Ortha's cloud.

Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images of the planets are also available in the Rio Code. The figure shows the symbols of the planets in the following sequence: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Nibiru, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sedna, Koiper's belt and another unknown celestial body in the form of a dog's head, which astronomers have not yet discovered. The dots next to the zoomorphic symbols of the planets indicate their serial number starting from the Sun. The astronomical knowledge of South American Indians, which they may have acquired from more advanced civilizations, is astonishing. Indian codes also contain a lot of information about the cataclysms that occurred in the solar system in time immemorial.

Fig. No. 7.  The Rio Code. Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic (lower figures) symbols of planets: 1. Mercury. 2. Venus. 3. Earth. 4. Mars. 5. Nibiru.

Fig. No. 8. The Rio Code. Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic symbols of the planets: 6. Jupiter. 7. Saturn. 8. Uranus. 9. Neptune. 10. Pluto. 11. Sedna. 12. Coiper's belt. 13. Unknown planet.

There is a great deal of information in the ancient sources of various peoples about the presence of a massive celestial object in the solar system. For the first time, a neutron star (Tifon) was noticed in the constellation of Capricorn. Lidus, quoted by many Greek authors, mentions Tiffon's comet, which describes the movement of the sun-lit ball: "Its movement was slow, and it passed next to the sun. It wasn't a dazzling color, it was a bloody red color. She was causing destruction by "going up and down."
"A rotating star that disperses its flame with a fire... the flame of a fire in its storm," according to Egyptian documents of the era of Pharaoh Seti. The information contained in these documents is undoubtedly from a later date.
Pliny, in the "Natural History", tells about the same event that took place in the distant past: "The terrifying comet was seen by the peoples of Ethiopia and Egypt, to whom Tiphon, king of those times, gave his name, it had a terrifying look, and it was spinning like a snake, and it was a very terrible sight. It wasn't a star, it was probably a fireball.
In the Egyptian "Big Magic Papyrus" there are preserved prayers dedicated to Tiphon (Seth), where his power is described: "Psammethyx, the everlasting king of Egypt [wants] to rejoice. Since the great god made you an everlasting king, and nature made you a noble sage, I also sent you this action to show my diligence... Prayer: "Strong Tiphon, scepter of the upper scepter power and gods, lord of the gods, lord of aberamentou (logo), oscillator of darkness, thunderer flying like a storm, sparkling like lightning in the night, cold-broken, rock shaker, shaker of the walls, shaker of the abyss, shaker of the abyss, Jorobet au taui manis (spell). I am the one who turned the whole universe upside down with you and found the great Osiris who was bound to you, I am the one who fought with you against the gods (others: against the gods). I am the one who locked the double tables of the sky and tamed the unbearable snake, tamed the sea, the streams, the sources of the rivers, until you began to dominate this scepter power. Your soldier, I've been defeated by the gods, I've rushed to the top of my head because of the anger...
However, know, the great king and leader of magicians, that this is the first name of Tiffon, from which the earth trembles, the abyss, Hades, the sky, the sun, the moon, the visible border of the stars, the whole space, which is the name, being uttered, of gods and demons to themselves by force attracts. It's a 100-letter name...
And when you learn [what you wanted], get rid of God [using] only a powerful name, which is 100 letters, saying: At sunrise speak: "I call you, the first to organize an army of gods, to have a royal scepter in heaven, you, the upper middle of the stars, Mr. Tiffon, you, terrible in the solid ruler, you, terrible, shivering and trembling, you, clear, insidious, hating the evil. I call you, Tiphon, in a lawless clock, devoid of mother, you standing in an unquenchable bell of fire, you who are above the snow, below the dark ice, you, possessing the royal power of the praying Moirs, I call you, omnipotent to do to me what I ask...".
Practically in each of the known mythological plots Tithon appears as a hell's temptation, causing various cataclysms on the Earth, displacing the constellations in the sky and leading a mortal struggle with the gods. The Egyptians and Aztecs had a custom of sacrificing this evil creature of redheaded people or bulls, whose hair resembled the color of Tiffon.
Plutarch's work "Isis and Osiris" mentions the color of Tiffon (neutron star): "So, Osiris and Isis turned into gods from good demons, and the power of Tiffon, broken and weakened­, but still rebellious in agony, is absorbed and tamed by all sorts of victims. And, on the contrary, at a certain time, on holidays, the Egyptians, mocking, humiliating and insulting­ red people, and the inhabitants of Copta, for example, fall off the feet of a donkey, because Tiffon was red and it is a donkey color. Busyrites and lycopolites do not use the pipe at all, because it roars like a donkey. And in general, it is believed that because of the resemblance to Tiffon donkey - an animal unclean and witchcraft ... Egyptians, believing that Tiffon was red, also sacrifice red bulls ...".
Our ancient ancestors left behind numerous rock paintings depicting solar signs, "battles in the sky" and cosmic cataclysms. And there are a lot of such drawings, which were found in various corners of the globe. But we don't always understand what kind of information the Stone Age people were trying to give us.
In the mountains of Santa Barbara, Santa Suzana, San Emidio (California), there are numerous rock drawings of the celestial body with curved rays, from which Campbell Grant made copies and published in the journal Natural History - number 6 (194). In the figure, where there is an image of the Sun with straight rays, you can see four different objects. Obviously, the ancient artist cut out the neutron star image on the rocks as it approaches the Earth. In the upper right corner of the picture it has the maximum visible size. The unknown genius of the Stone Age even drew a point trajectory of the star passing near the Sun, as a result of which under the influence of the gravity of our luminary it changed its direction, and there was an ejection of substance from the neutron star surface, which in the form of a huge serpentine protuberance can be seen in the upper left corner of the rock painting.

Fig. No. 9. Rock painting. California.

In British Guiana, near Karakananananka, rock paintings very similar to those of California were found in the Pakaraimo mountains. In the left corner of the petroglyph there is an image of the Sun and Moon in the form of a crescent moon. Curiously, you can see a shrinking spiral around our luminary. Probably it is the heated solar gases which were formed at release of substance from bowels of our shine as a result of gravitational influence of a neutron star at its maximum rapprochement with the Sun. In the lower part of the picture there are several images of a neutron star with different number of beams. Above the stars is a symbol that indicates their rotation. The various mist spots, tails and combs are probably the gas and dust nebulae formed in the solar system as a result of this terrible "battle" in the sky.

Fig. No. 10. Petroglyphs of British Guiana.

The neutron star, a simplified version, was sometimes depicted by our ancient ancestors as a cross in an oval or circle. In M.I. Israpilov's book "Solar Calendars of the Keger Plateau" there are solar drawings reminiscent of petroglyphs depicted on the rocks of California and British Guiana. Perhaps the rock drawings show the passage of a neutron star in the sky. And there are a lot of rock paintings with several "suns" drawn on them.

Fig. No. 11. Sogratlin solar signs. Dagestan.

 Fig. No. 12. Rugujin Solar Signs. Dagestan.

In legends and myths of almost all ancient peoples the description of a neutron star which our ancestors represented in the form of a monstrous dragon, a giant snake or an anthropomorphic creature has remained. Images of monsters with long tongue and hair in the form of snakes are found in almost all regions of our planet. And that's not surprising. Catastrophes which the neutron star has made on the Earth as a result of which all population of our planet was lost, for a long time remained in memory of the survivors.
The Etruscan terracotta antefix (architectural decoration) is a very realistic representation of the monster's anthropomorphic head with an elongated tongue (giant protuberance) and winding snakes instead of hair, which are located around the entire contour of the face. In the background is the neutron star crown. This relief is probably the most authentic allegorical image of Tiffon.

Fig. No. 13. Typhoon. Etruscan antefix. Terracotta. Willa Julia's museum. Rome.

Similar drawings can be seen on bronze Etruscan mirrors and coins. One of the mirrors shows a man's head with an outstretched tongue. There's a woman standing next to her piercing her with a spear. The man is standing by with the dagger ready. On the mirror there is an inscription that reads: "Vedma Akoyenem", which is translated from the Etruscan language as "Vedema the Penitent".               

On the stone wall of the Aztec "Calendar of the Sun" there is a drawing very similar to the Etruscan Tiffon. It shows a deity with a long tongue sticking out and symbolic snakes around his head. There's no plagiarism to talk about, in this case. The Etruscans and Aztec peoples share a considerable distance. And there are a huge number of such reliefs, drawings and sculptures all over the world.

Fig. No. 14. The image of a monster. "Sun Calendar."

In the ancient city of Teotihuacan, on the walls of the pyramid dedicated to the legendary mythological hero Quetzalcoatl, there is an image of a monster with flames around his head. In such a horrible image, the South American Indian Tiffon was probably portrayed.

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